Sales people’s assumptions are often wrong
Some sales people don’t sell their customers because the fail to answer a simple question –“why should I buy from you?”Most sales people are so focused on selling their product that they fail to gives their customers reasons as to why they should buy from you and the company you represent. You see, customers want to buy from someone who can separate themselves from the competition. There so many other competitors selling the same products to and having the ability to differentiate yourself, the company you represent from the competition. So how do you get consumers reasons to buy from you?
1.) Understand the mistaken beliefs:
When sales people begin to investigate their customers to find out what they want the most, they discover their typical prejudgments that salespeople sometimes have are incorrect. Most sales people fall into that mysterious oasis and begin to believe that relationships and price will sell their product. These are a couple of mistaken beliefs that a sales person could have and it could be hurting the closing percentage.
A recent survey showed that salespeople ranked price and relationships as their biggest concern, while customers listed these same concerns well down on the bottom of their priority list. Buyers place more emphasis on quality, value, on time deliveries and customer service. So customers really want to why should they buy from you?
*A start in the right direction could simply begin with changing your focus as a salesperson.
2.) Change your focus
Most salespeople have been taught in the beginning of their careers that 71% of people buy from us because they like and trust you. Also customers may buy from you because of your product and quality. However, if salespeople want to go from average to Great, they must change their focus off of price and relationships to having a buyer’s oriented selling style and begin listening to the customer; giving them the service they need. Customer Service is very important these days and it should be given to them too. In today’s world, people are not going accept mediocre service from average sales people who fail to listen to them and don’t give reasons to buy from them. If you desire to be great in sales you can have average skills with phenomenal will and succeed in giving customers reasons to buy from you and close more deals. In other words if your heart is in the right place and you show genuine love for what do along with giving excellent customer service to your customers, you will close more deals period. However, you can have all the skills in the world and if customers don’t feel that love coming from your energy it won’t mean anything and they will seek to buy elsewhere. The point is your focus has to be on the customer wants and needs; that starts with active listening to their wants and needs.
3.)Wants and Needs: It’s key that if you want be able to get customers to buy from you, you understand wants and needs. One the biggest complaints of customers is that salespeople talk too much and don’t listen enough. Average salespeople stay average by dominating the talking while the great salespeople dominate by listening to the customer. You see, timing is everything and sometime you have know when to talk…when to listen. It’s truly possible for salespeople to talk too much. When salespeople become great listeners, customers feel more comfortable and began to trust them. My philosphy when I train sales people in automotive dealerships I have trained at, is to build trust first. A customer must first like you(view as a professional), hear and understand that you know what you are talking about(believe you), know that you are listening to them(sign of a professional) by rephrasing what was said. This is a simple way to start selling your product no matter what it is you are selling by using those simple steps. Customers wants a salesperson who listens and understands their wants and needs.
*Two things salespeople do that will give customers reasons not to buy from them.
* Both instances will irritate the customer’s and drive a stake into the heart of the deal, killing it immediately.
*If you want be able to answer most customer’s number one question: “Why should I buy from you? You must first learn to become a “Great Listener” as one of your qualities. It certainly will be a start in the right direction.
Benefits of being a great listener:
So if you want people to buy from you, you can start by being a great listener and this will be a great selling quality to list as to why you can and will answer the number on question of customers.(Why should I buy from you?)
Be Great,
Sales Expert
Sales Trainer
Leadership Expert